book ico on Publica

Book ICO is ended

Book ICO ended on 30th of December 2018 and funding goal wasn't reached

Book ICO title



Zineb Belmkaddem

You can support my passion for writing. If you choose to do so, you would be pulling up a chair for yourself inside the intimate space of everything I've seen. 


About the author

Moroccan living in the United States, writing about adventures real and imaginary. 

Book ICO Progress

Book ICO ended on 30th of December 2018 and funding goal wasn't reached

ICO structure

Book Token A BOOK token is an indivisible token that represents access to a unique piece of digital content. A token is therefore a unique access key. Each book that is published or crowdfunded on Publica is assigned its own, unique BOOK token.
Total Supply 1000 Tokens
Initial Rate $3.99 per one BOOK_ZBBFGTBOWSJ Token
Rate After ICO $6.99 per one BOOK_ZBBFGTBOWSJ Token
if only softcap is reached Better editing, obviously.

About Book

Genre: Narrative nonfiction/personal narrative
Language: English
Planned publishing date: 31.12.2018

Bricklaying for Girls is a simple guide for any girl who wishes to tear the wall of intimidation down and build her first brick wall. Anecdotes from one woman’s (very) short and enlightening journey in the trade of bricklaying make this an entertaining read, as she refused to hire a journeyman to build a firepit and instead briefly joined the local union as an apprentice.

We’re not going to define what bricklaying is because you’re not stupid. The compound word is pretty self explanatory.


So instead, I literally drew the above tools and materials needed on a piece of paper and took a picture for you (and you’re welcome for the accompanying emojis). You should get a few pairs of disposable rubber coated gloves to protect your hands and also give you the grip you need to pick up and lay bricks. I laid brick with gorgeous french tip nails and used two sets of gloves. They rubbed against each other instead of against my skin while I was picking up and moving a (actual) ton of bricks. Worked out wonderfully.


While you could go to any hardware store or go online and ask/type up the keywords: bricklayer tools, apprentice mason tools, sort of like I did, I thought I’d make it easier by putting together a list of what I think the most useful tools were to me, along with a simple description of what you do with them. You can still get an apprentice bricklayer tool bag for a couple hundred dollars, but I highly recommend you choose your own customized tools carefully. They’re not one size fits all.


1- Trowel: This is your friend-with-benefits throughout the whole journey. Like any *LEUVE* relationship, it starts off painfully awkward. So date casually first, know what you like, then you’ll eventually figure out what you want. Learning to handle a trowel, pick up mortar, butter a brick, spread mortar with’s like learning to write. It’s a process. Don’t be frustrated that it’ll take time. Ideally, you want to go to a masonry supply store (or the masonry aisle at home depot or Loew’s…) and pick up multiple ones, move your wrist about, practice by lifting a brick with each one to simulate heavy mortar, find one that you feel you can maintain full control of. They have 10-12”, Philadelphia or London trowels depending if you like a wide trowel and can handle the weight from all that mortar at once, or if you prefer a narrow one that you can control but still fit enough mortar to spread. I personally prefer narrow trowels. Kraft/W. Rose are the best in my opinion, then Marshalltown trowels are good to have as a backup. If you’re only doing this for a one time project and don’t care about keeping the tools, just get whichever one you want, who cares. My instructor Paul helped me pick mine by letting me use his trowels until I figured out which one fit me best.


2- Brick(s): They come in all shapes and sizes. You need them to build, duh. The red cored clay bricks are the ones with three holes, also known as engineer modular, typically used by bricklayers to build walls. The holes not only allow the mortar to go in and strengthen the structure, they also use less material and fewer resources, so you could say they’re more environmentally friendly. Believe it or not, they have a “face” and a back. I know. It blew my mind too. The back sometimes has vertical lines on it, or stuff written, but yeah keep that in mind. The visible part of the wall needs to have all brick faces on it. That sounds so creepy… brick faces…

What is a Book ICO?

Book ICO is the next generation way to kick-start books — authors publish their way.

ICO’s took 2017 by storm. Publica Book ICO’s are the next generation crowdfunder-plus-presale for ebooks where authors are free to publish their way.

Authors — You set your own prices for during and after your Book ICO. When your book is a recognized token on a blockchain you’re selling book tokens directly to your followers who support you and look forward to the promised release.

Presale funds can improve the quality of independently published books. Or publicize great books that might never find their true audience without it.Your book tokens work anywhere in the world on any iOS or Android device.

Readers — When you buy a book token, that’s your private access key to read the book in your Publica reader app available now for iOS and Android phones and tablets. Many Chromebooks too.

You can also send book tokens to other people, unlike any conventional ebook. So buy as many book tokens as you want!

You can also sell recognized book tokens on a secondary token exchange so depending on the total circulation of a book’s tokens, tokens in your wallet may grow in value if the book becomes collectable.

What are you waiting for? Oh, the countdown clock...


  • How to participate in a Book ICO?

    To participate in a Book ICO you'll need to create a wallet and buy PBL, which is the currency used on Publica’s platform, as well as ETH tokens to pay the transaction fee.

    When the Book ICO campaign is running and you have your PBL tokens, click the "Buy BOOK token" button and follow this tutorial.

    You will receive a BOOK token (or several tokens) that are your access keys to the book's contents and you'll be able to read the book on your Android or iOs device, and send the book to your friends, or even sell a book on a secondary market.

  • Where can I create a wallet?

    You can create your own wallet in the Publica app (follow these instructions). Or you can use any other ERC20 compatible wallet (we recommend MyEtherWallet). Or you can import an existing cryptocurrency wallet.

  • Where can I buy PBL tokens?

    To participate in a Book ICO you will need to buy PBL tokens (we also refer to them as Pebbles). You can buy Pebbles on several cryptocurrency exchanges such as Kucoin, Cryptopia and IDEX exchanges. See detailed instructions on how to buy PBL tokens.

  • Where can I read a book?

    Simply install Publica’s e-reader app on any Android or iOS device. Publica's e-reader app is also a cryptocurrency wallet and your Publica e-library.

    Watch this tutorial on how to install the app and read a book.

    You can download and install the e-reader app for your Android or iOs device.

  • What is a BOOK token?

    A BOOK token is an Ethereum ERC20 token that represents access to a specific book. A BOOK token is therefore a unique access key. You can buy several BOOK tokens (book copies) and give away or sell your books whenever you wish.

  • Why do I need PBL tokens?

    PBL tokens are the Publica platform's internal currency. Readers use PBL tokens to participate in Book ICOs on the Publica platform, or to purchase any book listed in the Publica store.

    Authors receive their revenue in PBL tokens so they have full control over their finances.

  • Why do you need cryptocurrencies and blockchain?

    By using cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology we can now introduce immediate and direct transactions between authors and readers, bring trust and transparency into the ecosystem as well as give authors tools to set up their own business models by using smart-contracts. This allows authors to sell directly to their readers at an unprecedented and scalable level.

    With no middleman, authors are in full control of their author business. Blockchain empowers authors by placing them at the heart of the financial model.